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Process Management

Best Practice according to ISO 9001


Process management deals with the life cycle management of corporate processes. 


Process Management is part of Management Processes.


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TQM Processes of Process Management in Detail

Process of the QM Process Library

Expected Process Outcome



Process Management Review

Procedures and methodologies of the company wide process management continually validated and continuously improved

Process Coordination

Friction free goal oriented collaborating and economic company processes implemented

Process Controlling

Effectivity and efficiency of business processes continuously monitored and granted

Implementation of Business Processes

All business processes implemented according to validated and approved process design

Process Review

Business processes permanently optimized according to qualitative and economic criteria

End of Life for Processes

No longer needed processes terminated in controlled manner regarding the organizational and IT-technical environment

Main information flows and interfaces

Processes of Process Management

Click the image for a bigger view in a new window

(Documents within information flows only visible in our TQM Process Collections)


Responsible roles

Organizational Manager

Process Owner

Process Manager

Compliance Manager

Application Manager

Human Resource Development Manager

Performance indicators

KPIs of Process Management

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Process orientierted tools and process sets of IT Service Management according to ITIL® and ISO 20000

  © 2006 - 2024 Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting

Last update 2024-07-20 

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